Wednesday, December 31, 2008
When you're feelin' blue
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Much love to you all,
PS...I want to do a movie night soon so I'll be in touch. It's the one thing I can think of to do that she won't have to move around much...any other ideas let me know.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Explaination of Tiraid
Those of you who know me well will understand part of the rant that I had yesterday. When people tell me I'm such a strong person for being able to do the every day things I do such as go to work and carry on with Sophia's lessons, I feel like such a fake. I'm not any stronger then any other parent would be if this happened to them. I cry at the drop of a hat when I have to talk about what Natalia is going through. There is a huge reason Edgar is the public voice of this family. He can keep it together in public much better then I can. My morning showers are my breakdown time. I get my 5 minutes crying in before having to face another day of not being able to fix Natalia's booboo. I feel like fragile glass. I try to carry on through the day as if nothing is out of the norm because cancer is now our norm. It's there and there is nothing we can do about that.
I can not honestly see how any of you would not be doing the same thing. Where our children are concerned a good parent is willing to move any mountain to make sure they get the best from us that they possibly can. If you curl up in a ball of grief and ignore the rest of the world so will they, what kind of life is that? Positive thinking and positive behavior go miles toward recovery. When you get knocked in the face with bad news you take the hit and respond with "now what happens next". You begin to recover faster and do not let the bad take over your life. People who claim they are at peace with the beast of cancer (at least to me)have to either be glossing over the truth(notice I did not say lying) or out of touch with reality. This is a war and we are not going down. Strong I am not, stubborn I am totally. I made my peace with God in July when it looked like he was going to take Natalia. He gave gave her back to us and told us the fight was still on. Well, I am not going to give her back any time soon. While I love the warm blanket that your support and kind words wash over me and help to make the booboo a little better, do not tell me I am strong...stubborn, tenacious...those I'll take.
Much love to you all,
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry Christmas
Christmas morning...wonderful gifts, bright happy faces and tons of mocos. What did the girls and I bring back from San Francisco? Head colds! Pia was finally getting over her head cold (she had it for a week) when we rushed to UCSF. She had generously shared it Natalia and I. Between a small cold, little sleep and high amounts of stress by the time our bodies relaxed at home we had massive head colds going. We were supposed to go out to my brother Tony's for Christmas Day. The girls love going there. They have horses, dogs, cats and tons of room to run. Did I mention the trampoline? It is kids paradise there. We held out hope until about 2:30pm but Natalia's cheeks kept getting redder (a sign her body is not doing well) and the coughing had begun. Natalia has seasonal asthma on top of every thing else that seriously flares when she has a head cold...out came the inhalers. Pia's eyes had dark circles under them and she just wanted to lay in bed a watch her shows. My head felt like it needed to be removed and washed out. Edgar and I spent much of the afternoon trying to convince Natalia that she desperately needed a nap but she fought it all afternoon and instead constantly blew her nose. A good thing because by 6pm she was feeling and looking a little better. We still have the dumb colds but they are on their way out the door.
Natalia and Edgar head back to UCSF tomorrow. It will be a follow up to the hospital visit, regular clinic and chemo visit all rolled into one. Once Christmas was out of the way, I began to focus on this visit. It's not that I am freaking out but I am feeling some tension about this visit...the same kind that I get before an MRI. I feel good about how she is doing but I have spent the last few days on the web looking for blogs about people going through the same experiences we are. All of the support that we receive from you all is awesome and makes me feel incredible but there are times that I just need to know that someone else out there knows what we are going through. That all these emotions that I keep feeling aren't a sure sign that I am slowing going insane. A few of them just irritated me and a couple truely touched me. The words "you're such a strong person for being able to carry on" no longer bring comfort...the numbness has worn off and those words just tick me off now. What do honestly think you would do if it happened to you? Crawl under a rock and hide? NO! Not just NO but HELL NO. When you are a parent part of the job description is you carry on and try make your child's life, no matter what they are going through, the best it can be. I read a lot of different children's stories over the past 2 days and been up until 1-2am doing it...major thing for a person who is usually asleep by 10pm. I learned that yes even going through cancer there are some people out there who wax on in their stories about the peace that their God has brought them during their child's illness. That also irritates the bejezzers out of me. My God has given us trials that need to be faced on a daily basis and they are not fun and they don't always bring understanding...but they do bring growth and awareness, which leads to moments of peace before the next battle begins. Do Edgar and I fight more often? Yes, because who else knows the pain we go through on a daily basis? Does it bring us closer together and are we learning from these experiences? Yes, we are! I think without our occasional battles and yes some of them are epict proportion we would break rather then bend with all that we handle. It was comforting to know that I am not the only person feeling and handling the battle this way.
Thus finishes my tirade...Love to you all and thanks for listening, Roni
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Home for Christmas
Kudos to everyone who helps to make the holidays for children in the hospital a bright time. While nothing can replace being at home, the girls enjoyed their time there. I think , no I know, it is because they scored in the gift department. They have lots of new "cuddles" as they call stuffed animals. Natalia's favorite is a brown bear from the SFPOA (San Francisco Police Officers Association). Sophia's favorite were the barbie dolls from the Public Works. They took theirs minds off being stuck in the hospital for a little while and for that Edgar and I are very greatful.
Merry Christmas to you all. Thank you for being a part of our lives. Much love and warmest wishes to you all,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
No News

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Prayer Time
We are all currently at UCSF. Natalia has been suffering increasingly painful headaches and Friday began vomitting with them. Not a good thing to have when you have both a brain tumor and a shunt. We took her to Valley Childrens first thing this morning. They did a CT scan (all under the watchful eye of UCSF staff) and it was determined that she would need to be transported to San Francisco. Natalia and I flew and Edgar and Sophia drove. They believe there is a problem with the shunt. I will write more later when we know more but please everyone, pray Natalia gets relief from her headaches. She says they are a 9 on the 1-10 scale. It is not very often that she says something hurts bad but these are really wearing on her.
Love to you all,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
News Front
We got some news yesterday. Natalia will do her regular clinic and chemo on the 29th and then we will all head up to San Francisco on January 12th. Natalia will have surgery at 7:30am on the 13th to insert her permanent port. They need to keep her overnight to make sure there is no infection but after that she will be poke free. Whenever they need to draw blood or give her an IV or injection (she currently gets poked twice every 2 weeks) they will just hook up to the port and there ya go. This is going to take so much stress off of her. While she is not afraid of needles they are really beginning to hurt and because she was on the steriod for so long her veins are weak and collaspse easily. This is just one more step on our journey and we feel it is a truely positive one. They were not willing to even discuss a port 2 months ago because they weren't sure she would be doing this well. Well look out cancer, Natalia is kicking butt.
Love to you all,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Life is Strange..but Wonderful
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What a Week!!!
Words from Natalia..."Thank you everyone for checking on me. I am doing fine. I hope to have a fun day tomorrow."
I have explained the blog to her, that she has lots of people who check on her and want to know how she is doing. She thinks you all are cool to do that. This Tuesday she and Edgar (Sophia too if they can get her out the door) are heading to UCSF for clinic and chemo. Everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner at my Mom & Dad's house. Natalia wants to take something that involves broccoli...yes she loves veggies.
Then it is hold our breaths for December 9th and her next MRI...
Stories of Light...Light the Tower for the Central Valley Make A Wish Fondation...from now until December 4th The Central Valley Make A Wish partnered with PEAK Broadcasting & EYE-Q Cares are starting their annual fundraiser. The goal is to raise $80,000 to send kids with lifethreating illnesses on their wishes. The average cost of a wish is $5000. The money would help children up and down the Central Valley. We taped our story a few weeks ago and it is being aired on the radio. Edgar will be using his awesome speaking ability by going on channel 4 Central Valley Today on December 2nd. Come out to help celebrate the campaign Thursday, December 4th at 7pm...Palm Bluffs Tower @ 685 W Alluvial Ave Fresno, Ca 93711 (parking is available at Sebastian at the NE corner of Palm & Alluvial) Santa*Hot Chocolate*Carolers*Snacks*Carriage Rides We hope to see you all there, it is not only going to be a fantastic time but it is a cause that is extremely close to our hearts. Please click on the link on the right side of the blog to learn more about campaign and how to give.
Much love to you all,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Check Up Time
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Next Big Adventure
Friday, October 31, 2008
How to tell...
Love to you all,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Surgery
It's bright and early Thursday morning and I can no longer sleep. Therefore, I've started laundry at Family House and am updating you all. It has been an exhausting couple of days. Natalia's surgery happened on Tuesday and went off without a hitch. She has 2 small incisions and a couple of bruises from running the cathiter(?) from her head to her tummy. She is beginning to move about the bed with more ease and we are beginning to see improvement with her overall movement. She gets a little woozy when you move the bed up and down so there has been no playing with it this trip to the hospital.
The really good news is that they should release her today. The doctors are doing their evaluation around 9am and hopefully after that off we go. We will stay one more night at Family House that way we are close to the hospital for one more night...just in case. This will also give us time to do all the sheets and towels laundry...or I should say gives me the chance. Edgar will be sound asleep. He has spent the last 2 nights at the hospital. He tried to get some sleep yesterday afternoon but...
Sophia has not done too well this trip. She has yelled, screamed, cried, thrown raving tantrums and generally been a nightmare. Morning tantrums I'm used to (Natalia and I are morning people, Sophia and Edgar are not) fact of life get used to it. Yesterday afternoon went to new heights...Edgar brought Sophia back to Family House for some R&R and let the fun begin. She left the room when he was falling asleep, played dress up in our clothes, played in Moma's makeup and pounded on the bathroom door while he was showering yelling that he had been in there to long. Did I mention she has taked mouthiness to new levels? I should also mention that she is her cutest and sweetest in front of everyone else. Papa looked like he had been throught the ringer when they got back last night. When Sophia and I headed back here about 8:30pm I asked her what was up, she might be a little wild but nothing like she has been this trip. She told me she was jealous. Sissy was getting everyone's attention and there was nothing left for her. While my heart was crushed, I had to explain to her that no matter what this type of behavior could not go on. She agreed after my hand was applied to her naked butt after another incident and I had my little helper back. The little stinker knows she can get away with more in front of people and does not fear most reprisals.
Anyway...we should be home in Fresno by Halloween night/afternoon.
Love to you all,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Surgery Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the day. Natalia will go into surgery to insert her shunt at 10:30am...of course we have to be there by 8:30am. Thank God! Dr Auguste will preform the surgery. We met with him today and he explained that unlike a normal brain that floats in its moving stream of water, Natalia's has clogged up and now her brain is becoming saturated, along with the added pressure. This is part of what is causing her problems right now. The surgery should take approx 2 hours and she will have 2 incisions, one on her head and the other at her tummy. We can't wait, it said if all goes well she will begin to fell the effects within a few hours.
The shunt itself will be programable. They are going to start with a generic "normal brain" setting but if she needs to have more fluid come out they can adjust the shunt valve with magnets. The tubing will run from the shunt to behind the ear and down to her tummy just under the skin...once again Thank God...does everyone remember how fun the feeding tubes were for us. I had visions of it being outside and looping down so she would be pulling it out of her brain...the nightmares we think about.
She is looking forward to having it done...not only to feel better but because she gets cool shaped bandage dressing and the beds move up and down.
Love to you all,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Made it Home
Just a quick note before I pass out from travel and stress. The results of the lumbar puncture were that Natalia's brain pressure was very high. They decided that, yes, she does need a shunt and they did not give her the Avastin part of her chemo because it prevents healing. That gives them a window to do the surgery. Thank God, we got a phone call when we got home this afternoon that they want to try to do the surgery next Tuesday or Wednesday depending on Dr Auguste's schedule. So, please pray that this surgery goes on as planned and goes well. Several people have told that we should see a difference in her within a short period of time.
Love to you all,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What's going on?
Hello All,
Natalia is still trying to get over her cold. She starts off good in the morning but by 11am is wheezing and coughing again. As long as she gets a nap in the afternoon, she is usually ok in the early evening. She has a tough time trying to cough so it is hard to get the flem out of her lungs. Edgar and I spent a sleepless Wednesday night as she tried to get it all out. We kept in contact with UCSF (tells you how bad it was) through the night and managed to keep her out of the ER. About 4am she coughed up a mucus plug and she drifted peacefully off to sleep. She has watched a lot of movies over the last several days, as she is not allowed out until this cold gets under control. Her new fav is Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. We watched it for a slumber party (I figured she would last 20 minutes then want to sleep) and she made it through the whole movie and wanted to chat about it afterward. Indy is truely a hero for the ages.
We are preparing for our next UCSF visit this upcoming Tuesday. They will do the spinal tap, chemo and ultra sound this visit. While it is kind of frightning because it just is, I can't wait for the news to see if they are going to have to do the shunt or not. She has reached a plateau and just can not get any better.
I finally included the sites for Family House and the Central Valley Make A Wish. If anyone would like to make donations to these wonderful organizations please check out the web sites. These organizations have helped make a huge difference in our lives.
Talk to you all soon,
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Haps
It has been a while since I updated so I thought I'd send out a personal note to our closest supporters. We love all of you and want you to know that without you all there what we are going through would be unbearable. I've really seen these last few weeks how blessed we have been by having you in our lives. God put another family going through a similar situation in our path. The difference...they don't have the advantages we have been given. They don't feel the love of their community and God's infinate wonder. It makes you stop, not just once or twice, but multiple times and thank God that we know his grace. This disease that Natalia has has made us open ourselves up to the world more then we would normally be comfortable with but in return we have been shown more love and support then we ever thought possible.
In August, we were given the news that her tumor was shrinking. The new chemo was working and we began to lower her dose of steriod. She began school and was so excited to be there learning with all of her friends. NOTE: We love Weldon Elementary, it's like wrapping up in your most comfy blanket when you visit. Natalia truely feels like she has a second home there. During her third week of school, she hit zero steriods for 3 days and we had to go to the ER. She was sleeping all day and had no strength at all. She got an IV dose of steriod and we began our latest chapter in the battle. Natalia's been having trouble with hydrocephelus or "water on the brain". She is now afraid to go to school. She spends a day or two at school and then goes to the ER because the balance between the steriods she takes to keep the swelling down and the hydrocephelus shifts. We have now undergone 3 CT scans and an MRI in the past month. First the really good news...the tumor has shrunk more since our last MRI at the end of August. The bad news...the hydrocephelus has gotten progressively worse. She may need to have a shunt put in to drain the fluid into her tummy. The Nuerosurgeon wants her to have a spinal tap on the 21st to see the amount of actual pressure her brain is under and to drain some of the fluid out to give her some temporary relief. He has looked over all her CTs and MRIs and this is the final step before he makes the decision to operate.
Hopefully soon, she will start Home/Hospital school. This should keep her mind busy. That is the only thing that hasn't been affected and she is getting bored. Our pediatrician is recommending at home physical therapy to get her left side into the game. The left side has quite a bit of strength but the tumor casues her to forget to use it. She also has a urinary track infection and a is not the greatest right now. On the 22nd she will have an ultrasound to check if her bladder is fully emptying. Our pediatrician is treating the cold aggressively due to her tumor. We are to keep her in and away from other kids until this passes. Another plug for JuicePlus+...her pediatrician was amazed by the fact that her blood has remained rock steady through everything. She chews 6-8 sweet tart like chewables a day and loves them. They are now like candy for both girls...God forbid I forget to sit their "fruit & veggie" next to their breakfast in the morning.
But through it all she has been awesome. She has a smile for everyone and a great attitude.
Much love to you all,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Feeling Better
Well they moved Natalia up to 6mgs of dexamethasone a day from 4mgs and it is helping a lot. It is so much easier now that she is doing better to tell how different the hydrocephalus effected her this time compared to back at the end of June. Back in June when they were bringing her down off the steroid she only made it to 2mgs a day before she could not swallow, had difficulty with her thoughts, could hardly walk and was one constant tremor. She had to be hospitalized for a week before she began to improve even a little bit. This time she was off the steroids for 3 days before the hydrocephalus was bad enough that we had to take her to the ER. She was boosted to 4mgs a day for 5 days and because she wasn't gaining strength in her legs we have been on 6mgs for the past 5 days. She is doing much better but not up to school yet. Monday she will do her labs at Valley Children's and then we're all leaving in the early hours of Tuesday for San Francisco for a CT scan at 9am and clinic at 11:30am. From this meeting with Dr Banerjee we should have another game planning for the reduction of steroids. It is Natalia's wish that Sophia go with her. Sophia keeps Natalia's mind off the treatment and makes her laugh like no one else can.
Those of us who know Sophia the best, understand that although she has a will of solid steel and the total ability to do the opposite of what you want, she will do everything in her considerable power to make her loved ones feel better. She has the instinct to know when you're feeling down or feeling sick and will do all she can and some stuff she shouldn't to make everything right in your world. Right now she is playing catch with her sister trying to keep her occupied because Natalia is bored with siting around.
Love to you all,
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Roller Coaster
Love to you all,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Significant Shrinkage!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Weldon Elem Here I Come!!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Best Medicine
I know I left you all with bad news the last time but we can not dwell on that. Natalia is home with us and that is truly the best medicine for us all.
The change in her has been incredible. From the time we got home late at on Friday the 11th to now, we have 2 very different little girls. The girl on Friday was tired, weak, drooling and close to the edge. The Natalia today is vital, loving, fiesty and ready to conquer. She has enjoyed having many visitors this past week and has glowed with each visit. We had a nurse from Valley Children's Home Care visit us Monday to teach us how to us the feeding tube and pump. I learned how to put it in and set the pump so she could get enough nourishment to keep going...Edgar woke up to check her at 3 am and found her nose bleeding and formula coming out. We stopped the feed and called the nurse. They told us that it was probably reflux due to her tummy being full and it was causing irritation in her nose. Her tummy was full because she ate and drank like a champ all day Monday. Tuesday afternoon she took the tube out of her nose again. We made her a deal...keep eating and drinking like she had been the past few days we would leave the tube out otherwise straight back in with the tube. I am very happy to report that she is eating and drinking more today then she was on Tuesday.
We also had 2 more wonderful people enter our lives...Shelly and Lori from Make-A-Wish. They our Natalia's wish grantors. They came Monday night to ask Natalia what she wanted most in the world to do...she said go to the beach. Tuesday Shelly called to say Make-A-Wish would be granting her wish and they are sending us to Cancun on the 31st July. They even helped us rush all of our passports.
Yesterday, we took family portraits at Milne Photography. They turned out incredible. His studio is off on Cedar and Nees and those of you in this area need to check out his work. The portraits he has showing in his studio and books are brilliant. Today is the benefit at the Elbow Room. Natalia is strong enough to really enjoy seeing everyone. Should be a blast.
I will write all about our adventures in the next blog. We are doing some fun stuff for the memory books.
Love to you all,
Friday, July 11, 2008
As many of you may know we are at UCSF for Natlia's evaluation. It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that the tumor has grown and spread to her brain stem. We are spending the night in the hospital where they have inserted a feeding tube because she lost another kilo in the past 10 days and is having difficulty swallowing. The MRI she had today showed that the tumor has grown since the last MRI 10 days ago. She will undergo a new chemo tonight. It will be administered by IV and will have to be done once every 2 weeks. This will only slow the growth down some not stop or contain it.
Funny how small Fresno can be at times...Edgar called John Herring (his liaison officer) with the news. John was in Diane Dyer's (detective w/ Fresno PD) office. Turns out she is good friends with Shelly, Natalia's wish grantor for the Make a Wish Foundation, she called Shelly. Shelly called me before I could even called Mom back to ask her to go over to my house to find Shelly's phone number. We would like to take Natalia to Cancun so she can enjoy the ocean. The ocean has always been her peace. She spent the first 5 months of her existence in my tummy aboard the Ocean Princess. She asked several times just before she was diagnosed to go to the beach. It is time to give her a beach and ocean place that she can truely enjoy. Cancun has always been special to Edgar's family and now it will be to us.
God has more need of her in Heaven then we do here on earth. She a special angel to all who know her and now she will be able to serve more in need. He is just giving us a little more time to make memories and say goodbye before he calls her home. Please do not think we have given up hope for a miracle or will just roll over. We just want her time here to be as special as we can make it. Please do not look at her and feel pity. She is a warrior without equal who has fought the good fight. She is a 6 year old girl who united a community as well as people across this land with a common purpose. She has shown many people to look outside their own problems and see into the lives of others in need. She has lived her life with compassion, joy and humilty. She is someone I admired above all others.
Much love to you all,
Monday, July 7, 2008
Home Again
Natalia and Edgar came home on Wednesday. Both exhausted and ready just to relax at home. She shines when she is at home. She gets tired very quickly and like the Energizer Bunny is back in shape after a quick nap. Almost impossible to get her to do if Sophia is anywhere in the house.
We are in the process of door. The manager's unit is next to our apartment. It comes with a small laundry room and the VandenBerghes have allowed us to use the addtional attached room for a play room for the girls. We were able to separate the bunk beds and give them their own space. Natalia's bed was the top bunk and we didn't want her to try climbing the ladder at all. So now they have their bedroom and their playroom. It is wonderful. Natalia thinks its funny and can't wait to finish moving.
We head back to UCSF on Wednesday to do her re-evaluation work. She will do blood work on the 9th have her new MRI on the morning of 10th and we meet with Dr Banerjee at 3pm on the 10th to discuss everything. We will be staying at the Koret Family House once again but with the small difference of it being the one on 2nd and Irving. Right across the street from the hospital.
Much Love,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Checking Out
Natalia gets to check out of the hospital today. She wants "to get the heck out of there". They did the MRI on Monday and it showed the steriods had taken effect and the swelling had gone down. She talked to me on the phone this morning and her little voice sounded so much stronger. She has one more radiation treatment on Wednesday and then they get to come home. Edgar is going to spend today washing and cleaning their room at Family House so they can head home after Natalia's treatment.
Huge, huge shout out to the Koret Family House. We have been staying at the Family House on 10th and Irving. I do not know what we would have done without this place. Dr Banerjee's staff set us up with them when we went to San Francisco the first time. We got to stay there for free. They just ask that you keep the house clean and nice. We have never had to worry about having a place to lay our heads. The staff is incredible!!! They take away that huge worry that you have when you are away from home (a safe, clean, comfortable place to rest and recover).
Much love to you all,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
A Step Back part 2
Natalia's increased dose of steriod began to show its effect by Friday afternoon. After not having any food or drink all day we got word that the MRI would not be happening. They could not get an anestesiologist. She was hungry and was able to eat AND swallow dinner. By Saturday she was doing a lot better. The resident nuerosurgeon, and Dr Gupta's assistant, said they would probably not do the shunt becasue she was responding so well to the increase of steriod. We also got a better explaination of how radiation treatment works...the results do not show right away, it may take days, weeks, months afterward to see the full results of the treatmetns she is currently undergoing. At least now, I feel Sophia and I can go home on Sunday and Natalia will be ok.
Love to you all,
A Step Back
Edgar called me on Thursday morning to say Natalia was not swallowing very well. He was very concerned about bringing her home on Friday for the weekend if she was having difficultly. When she awoke from her midmorning nap she still had food in her mouth and could not make her tongue move to swallow it. He got her in to see Dr Banerjee, who, ordered another CT scan. Natalia's ventricals were swollen. Her brain was not properly draining fluid. The decision was made to get her an MRI asap. The quickest way to do this was to admit her to the hospital. They got her into a room on the 6th floor by 9pm on Thursday night. They also increased her dose of steriod. Sophia and I took off 1st thing Friday morning to be here for her. Edgar didn't tell her we were coming so she was very surprised and happy when we walked in. We spent the day waiting to see if they could squeeze her in for the MRI. Dr Banerjee and Dr Haas-Kogen were both talking about inserting a shunt into her brain for drainage but the nuerological team wanted the MRI done. Finally at 4pm we were told that it wasn't going to happen. By then Natalia's increased dose of steriod was beginning to kick in. She was better able to swallow. We were then moved up to the 7th the same room she was in after her biopsy. The MRI is now scheduled for Monday 6/30/08. They are keeping her in the hospital for observation until then. Sophia and I will head home to Fresno on Sunday afternoon.
Talk about curve balls. She was 3 treatments away from being done with radiation and Thursday night was her last dose of chemo. Then this...She had been showing more symptoms during the past week and a half but her dose of steriod was down to only 2mg a day. We started all this at 12mg a day. She scared us all pretty bad.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Here we go...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday's Doctors visits
Next up was Dr Banerjee. We have not seen her since the first week of radiation. She also thought Natalia was doing well. She has ordered a CT scan for the 19th to see if the tumor might be effecting other areas. This is good for us because we might get a better feel on how the radiation and chemo is working. Then she went up to do her regular Monday blood work. Nurse Lizzie called Edgar and told him the results of the blood work looked "wonderful".
They have all received their Natalia's Friends bracelets and wear them with pride. I am beginning to see them all around town. It's hard to miss that bright lime green. I feel a gaint hug every time I see one. Thanks so much Weldon Elementary Parents Club you made that happen.
Love to you all and remember God is there waiting to help just need to take the first step and ask for it.
Love, Roni
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Small Steps, Big Results
Well, this weekend was special for me. When Edgar and Natalia arrived home Friday, she walked to me without anyones help. It was so amazing. She is so much more animated this weekend. She received a visit from her friends Kirsten and Ashley this Saturday and was on cloud nine. It was wonderful to watch her play with the girls and their sisters. She actually took part in the fun. Sunday she spent relaxing. While she is tired tonight, she looks refreshed and ready to head back into the fight.
She is begining to lose her hair. It is coming out in the spots that the radiation is concentrated. The radiation not the chemo is causing it. Luckly her hair is so thick that most of the loss is still covered by other hair.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New Update
I know it's been a while. I've been trying to get my home computer back up and running. Now here we go. Natalia is now 1/2 way through her 3rd week of radition and chemo. When Edgar and Natalia left last Tuesday for UCSF without me last week I felt like the worst mother in the world. How could I possibly send my baby into medical treatment without me there? I knew Edgar was going to be caring for with everything in him but it didn't make any difference. I know that morning at work was not my best. The look in Sophia's eyes when I picked her up from Pre-school completely reminded me why we were doing it this way. I could tell Sophia hadn't really believed that I was coming to get her and that I was going to UCSF as well. She glowed when she saw me there to get her and bring her back to her own house. That one moment made it all worth it.
When they returned for the weekend Natalia's personality was coming back full force. I could see some improvement in her physical symptoms but her laugh was coming back. This past weekend was special. Friends had arranged for the girls baptism and first communion at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Father Micheal did a wonderful ceremony that was from the heart. The girls godfathers made us all laugh when it was time to light the candles. Anthony attempted to lift Vince up to reach the candle. I thought Natalia was going to start crying she was laughing so hard.
Edgar and I have both really had our faith tested these past weeks. I think the lessons at Sunday bible study came in handy. During the beginning of Natalia's diagnosis, one of the main themes was to think vertically not horizontally. Your weight is lifted by remembering that God has a plan and will be there to lift you up when you think that you can no longer go on. You do all that you humanly can and let God take care of the rest. Then you take a deep breath and dive back into the fight.
This weeks parting was much easier as we all knew what was in store. Edgar tells me Natalia's physical condition is beginning to improve this week. I know she is talking alot more on the phone. She is also remembering all the words to her favorite songs and singing them to us.
I started the new job as manager this past Monday. The best part is that it is challenging to make sure that Merit is a good home to the 500+ residents that call it home. The worst part is that the former manager is one of my best friends and she will no longer be living next door. Marcy I know you're reading this, you are off to better things because you deserve them, just remember we love you and totally believe in you.
Good Bye for that the computer works again I'll be better at keeping updates.
Love to you all,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Fresno Family Struggles To Help Sick Daughter

The Fresno Police Department held a silent auction and fundraiser to help a little girl battling cancer, on Sunday.
Natalia Valle-Sandoval is the daughter of Fresno Police Officer Edgar Valle-Sandoval. Doctors recently found an inoperable brain tumor in her and said surgery isn't an option because it's too risky. The family hopes chemotherapy will help her and she is scheduled to start treatment next week in the Bay Area.
Officer Sandoval said he's just grateful for all the help people are offering him. Hundreds of people showed up to the fundraiser at the Elbow Room on Figarden, many people he didn't even know wanted to help him and his family.
"There are so many people I am grateful for that if I spent the whole day calling them, I wouldn't get to all of them. I want to thank every one for their thoughts and prayers, anything that has helped us get through this time," said Sandoval.
Special To The BEE

Friends held a $22-a-head benefit Sunday and had raised $3,000 beforehand.
By Jim Guy / The Fresno Bee
05/25/08 21:30:07
Fresno police officer Edgar Valle-Sandoval and his family are facing the crisis of having a child with inoperable brain cancer. But they don't feel as though they are facing it alone.
Sunday, as friends and fellow officers rallied around the family at a benefit at the Elbow Room in Fig Garden Village, Valle-Sandoval wept as he thanked his friends for turning out to a $22-a-head benefit lunch. Before the event began, $3,000 already had been raised.
"I feel like the guy in the Verizon ad who turns around and there are 1,000 people behind him," he said as he fought back tears.
Valle-Sandoval's daughter, Natalia, 6, was diagnosed in early April with a cancerous tumor on her brain stem.
Because of the location of the tumor, surgery is not an option.
So she is undergoing six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy at UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco.
That has put a hold on everything in the family's life as both Edgar Valle-Sandoval and his wife, Roni, take time off from work to be with Natalia for the treatment. Monday through Friday, the family stays in San Francisco with Natalia and their other daughter, Sophia, 4. Expenses are adding up, too: the daily parking fee alone is $22.
The family leaves Fresno on Monday morning, and Natalia goes straight into radiation treatment. After an afternoon rest, she then has a chemotherapy session. Valle-Sandoval says it's a very tiring day for his daughter. He and his wife do their best to explain what is going on to Natalia.
"She knows something is wrong and that we are going to the hospital for a reason," he said. "I don't think she gets the magnitude of what it is, however. We try to talk to her as much as possible. The doctors at UCSF have just been incredible in explaining to Natalia what is going on at her level. They've been very considerate to us, and to me, that makes the situation a little bit better."
Family friend Jeannine Foraker said she already has seen some improvement in Natalia's condition and was heartened that so far, the treatments have not made Natalia ill, which can be a side effect.
Valle-Sandoval said it means a lot to the family that they can get back to Fresno after the weekly sessions.
"Every week, we come here to recharge our batteries," he said. "I'm definitely overwhelmed," he said of the support he has received from Fresno.
"I'm very humbled by it. I want to express to everyone our deepest gratitude. Even if I spent a whole day on the phone, I would not be able to get to everyone."
Police officer Pat Dalbec, who knew Valle-Sandoval when he was a manager at the Elbow Room and then became his training officer when Valle-Sandoval joined the department, was not surprised at the support for the family.
"This is a community that cares about little kids," he said. "He's a very good man and it's a great family."
To help:
A bank account has been set up for Natalia Valle-Sandoval at Central Valley Community Bank in Clovis. Donations may be made to account number 001521993 with a notation in the memo area reading ‘‘Donation for Natalia Valle.’’
The reporter may be reached at or (559) 441-6339
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Home for the long weekend
Well, Natalia finished her 1st full week of radiation and chemo. She only got sick once. We think it was because she woke up at 4:30am and did not go back to sleep...we give her her anti-nausea meds at 6:30-7am. It was just to long of a time to be awake without help. We got into a good routine this last week. Go for her 9am treatment, get some breakfast, Natalia takes a nap, wakes up refreshed, eat lunch, go for a walk in the park or do other necessary chores, have dinner, take a walk, shower, take chemo, go to bed. Fridays mean time to come home. We have been leaving by 10:30am, so we get home about 2:30pm with stops for lunch and potty.
News on my front. My regional supervisor called yesterday and offered me the manager's position here at Merit. It was with a heavy heart that I told her no. I believed that all my time a effort should be with Natalia right now even though Edgar would be the one taking her to San Francisco for the next 5 weeks. Since the future was unclear, how could I say yes to the promotion. Then when I got off the phone and told Edgar what had taken place he asked just what I was thinking. Was he not the one who had the time off work to spend with Natalia for treatment, did I not make sacrifices when he was making a career change, could I accept anyone else telling me how to run the property that I had helped build up to what it is today and most importantly, was Natalia's illness going to get any better if we did not keep living and moving forward. The answer to all this was life is for the living and if Natalia was not sick I would have jumped at the chance so why let this disease win in any part of our lives. I called Patrece back and told her I wanted the job.
Tomorrow is the fundraiser event at the Elbow Room. At first we were going to leave going up to Natalia. If she didn't fell like it no go but now the Fresno Bee is coming to do a story and this will be our chance to say THANK YOU to all those people we have either never met or hardly see. To say a personal thank you for everyone's support, not just monetary but all the prayers and kindnesses that have fallen upon us.
Much love to you all,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Small Steps

Sorry it has been a few days. As they say, no news is good news. Radiation and Chemo have been going well so far. We walk up to UCSF and catch the shuttle bus over to Mt Zion for Natalia's radiation. Then we catch the shuttle back and walk back to Family House. Natalia will then take an hour long nap followed by lunch and a walk somewhere. She takes her chemo just before falling asleep by 7:30pm each night. So far she hasn't gotten sick from any of this. Praise to the Lord that this continues. While her symptoms have not gotten any worse we are beginning to see little steps...she now reaches for things and tries to do more with her hands. She is also becoming stubborn again. "No, I'm done." Is her current call of battle.
We attended a family circle support group that Family House organizes every week. It was good to talk specifically about what we are going through and feeling with other parents in the same situation. We were reminded to live in the minute not tomorrow. This is something kids do all the time and adults need to be reminded that happy is right now, not when you get something or finish another. We also cemented in ourselves that while we accept the diagnosis we do not accept the prognosis. The fight will go on no matter how long it takes.
Yes, we are setting up a blog web page with but all this is still to raw and I'm not sure what to say. I'll probably be working on that next week when I can't sleep. I run out of time off for work this next week so back to work I go. I am filling out my paperwork for the Family Leave Medical Act but it is up to each employer whether the employee is to be paid. If nothing else this will allow me 12 weeks additional time should I need it paid or not. It should also protect me from losing my job because of time I need off. Edgar and Natalia will be returning to UCSF without me starting the 26th. I will be home with Sophia keeping the home fires burning.
Note: the picture is of Natalia's radiation treatment room. The lady with short hair is Pat and the other is Carolyn. Pat is awesome and always has a smiling face at the start of our day.
Bye for now...Love to you all,