Well, at least we have a place to stay. I called Family House yesterday afternoon and left a message asking if they had room at the inn. They got back to us that they had a 2 person room at the 10th street house. Thank God! A place to lay our heads and 2 person is perfect because it is only one of us and Sophia that will be staying in it. Edgar spent last night at the hospital and just now left for a nap and a shower. Sophia and Natalia are watching The Wizard of Oz and chillin in the bed.
They still don't know what is causing the swelling in Natalia's brain. It's frustrating for us because we physically see the signs from her last MRI on the 9th. They lowered the amount that the shunt was letting out because she was having minor headaches. Then on the 12th the bad headaches began but they would only come once a day...then they began to increase in not only intensity but frequency. The nuero teams says it is not the shunt from what they can see comparing the CT & MRI scans. So now we are left trying to find what else could be causing the swelling to occur. Not much is going on today, they did blood work but that is it. The hospital sucks at anytime but with Christmas just days away...The good point is we love the nursing staff here at 7 Long. They are friendly, cheerful and most important great with the girls. I just wish we could grease the wheels to find out what's happening with her little head.
Natalia had a special visitor today...Robin Williams stopped by for a visit. He brought an Eve toy from WALL-E and took a Polaroid. The staff came by to ask if it was ok for him to visit first. Well, YEAH! We tried to think of the last movie the girls watched with him and it was Mrs Doubtfire so they were impressed once we explained who was coming to visit. But the brightest point of her day...she was finally allowed to eat once the nuero team said they weren't going to do anything today after 11AM. I went down to the cafeteria to scavenge...they have hardly anything on a Sunday. She wolfed down a lot, she had 36 hours without food to make up for.
Love to you all,
Thinkin' about and praying for you guys and sending my love!
How cool to meet Robin Williams. Of course Natalia is a TV star herself!
Always in our prayers,
Laura and Ashlee Goyette
and Family.
Roni -
Just a note to let you know I am still praying for Natalia and all of you. I consider it a priviledge to have taught both of your sweet girls in Sunday School. That Natalia is quite a fighter! Give them both a BIG hug from me (and tell Sophia hello from Alyssa). My heart (and my prayers) are with you!
Beth Hodde
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