Natalia came through the surgery with flying colors. We will problably be spending another night in the hospital so they can keep an eye on her but they will transfer her off ICU today. They say she is doing very well neurologically. How to know she was fully Natalia after the surgery...she glared at the poor DR who had to test her after the the surgery. He had the nerve to wake her up while she was in full snooze. She is a favorite on the floor because she is sweet polite full of questions and just "so darn cute." She will have a CT scan later on to make sure the area did not bleed and looks ok. We were told it takes 3 to 7 days for the results of the biopsy to be in. They are also going to be tapering down her dose of dexamethosone which should help her being hungry 24/7.
They cut her bandage into a heart shape on top of her little head. So definately check out the pics. Sophia has to check with the bears every so often they are part of her energy using walks.
Sue I will check the other ICU unit because Korinne is not in this one. I want to let her parents know she is in our prayers.
Much love to you all,
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