Principal Lozano called me Wednesday afternoon to say they should be finished with the marker and planter by Friday...he called me a few hours later to tell they had finished it. Natalia's Playground is now a reality. The kindergarten playground at Weldon is now dedicated in her memory. What a glorious way to remember her! Edgar and I rushed over to see it as soon as he woke up. It was good to have our moment to cry so that when we showed it to Sophia Thursday morning we could put on the happy faces. Of course, all 3 of us had a brief cry. I will keep everyone posted because we want to do a get together/dedication sometime in the next few weeks.
What Weldon means to us...when I was showing new pics of the marker to family members one of them asked me "why would they do that? She wasn't there for very long." My first thought was WTH!!!! Followed by some bruised feelings. A few hours later I was walking around Walmart when one of Natalia's friends Mom called..."I heard a rumor that the marker was done." Someone else "got it". I had to hang up quickly to have a cry. I vented the next day with my Mom and she had to explain to me that other schools would probably not be this way...so I need to explain the wonder of Weldon. Not long after Natalia was diagnosed the PTC(parent teacher club) gave Natalia road trip stuff: a Warrior blanket, t-shirts, water bottles, duffle bag and tons of goodies. Her kindergarten teacher would call to check on her as would the principal. In May 2008, Principal Lozano came to us to ask if it would be ok for the school to sell "Natalia's Friends" bracelets to show their support and to help raise money for Natalia. Everywhere we turned in the city people had on bright green bracelets. It was like getting hugged with every spotting. We became friends with everyone in the office as they called to check on Talia. This carried on throughout the remainder of the school year and the summer. Natalia was able to start first grade and it was made into the most wonderful experience we could ask for. When she could no longer go to the school itself, the school came to us. Her 1st grade teacher came to our house with her lessons, Principal Lozano came and read to her and Vice-Principal Armstrong came and sang with her. The parents of her friends all stayed in touch and made playdates while she was able. They continuely stress that Weldon is one big family and live up to it in the fullest way possible. I am truely honored that my children are, and will forever be, Weldon Warriors.
Much love,
Roni -
I'm SOOOO excited!!! How cool is that?!? That's SOOOO awesome!
That is awesome! It brought tears to MY eyes. Lots of them! I'm still wiping them away. ;-) Weldon sounds like an awesome school. Natalia will always be remembered....
Yuuup....cryin' over here!
So amazing! Weldon is truly awesome!
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