Yep plans can change and excitement builds. I was holding off fundraising for Relay for Life until last Monday because it looked like we might not get to take part but then we got the news that yes we would be here in town that weekend. Awesome event, Relay, please stop by on April 17th at Jefferson Elementary and walk a lap for Natalia!!!
If you can remember back in June of last year, Edgar did an interview for the Speed channel show "American Thunder". They were here filming the Make A Wish Rumble to the Summit motorcycle event. If you can't, flip back to June 2009's postings and take a look. Wellll...back in early March the Central Valley Make a Wish asked Edgar if he would like to be considered for a new pilot show on ABC called "Wish Riders". The producer of "American Thunder", who has also produced several well known shows, was very interested in using him. The original premise of the show was for several "bikers" to ride into Arizona Bike Week (April 14-18) and help grant a Wish Kid their wish. All of these bikers have a Make a Wish story like ours. As we all know, things change and the powers that be decided that just one biker would be used...the awesome thing is...he is a Wish Kid survivor. Yep, he will get to show the world that not all Wish Kids are terminal. He will get to be a voice on how much wishes help you body and spirit from the Wish Kid point of view. How powerful of an impact is that going to be?!?!!!!
Back to our story...Edgar was told at the beginning of April about this change and we decided to get into the Relay groove. Monday I sent out all my fundraising info...Tuesday lunchtime Edgar gets a call from the national MAW thanking him for his desire to take part. Edgar was his usual eloquent self and thanked them for even considering him. As we are fond of saying, if we can raise even 1 more dollar for MAW, in any capacity, we will go the distance to make sure it happens. I guess he impressed them and they saw why Kirk, the producer, wanted to use him. Tuesday late afternoon...Kirk called Edgar and asked him to pack the family bags because they were flying the 3 of us down to Phoenix for Bike Week. They want to film Edgar riding into Arizona next to Frank(the founder of Make A Wish). How TOTALLY AWESOME is that!!!!!! We fly in early Friday so that Edgar can "be fitted" with a Harley. Our friends at the Central Valley Make A Wish are all heading down there Friday as well. Sophia and I are going to do our part by helping our local chapter sell raffle tickets for a custom Ron Simms motorcycle, and it is a sweet bike!!! Fresno will be well represented. NOTE: raffle tickets are $10 and the raffle will take place on October 2nd. Check out for more info on the show or you can become a fan on facebook.
Natalia's godmother, Marcy and her husband well as Sophia's godmother Jeannine and her boys Brett & Conner are going to walk in our place for Relay. Even if they weren't, the money raised goes to a great cause. Yes, I know, childhood cancer does not get the attention it so needs and deserves from the ACS but if we can find the cure to even 1 type of cancer the rest are sure to follow. And every family fighting the beast of cancer needs support. Mom and Dad are coming to our house to watch the dogs and fish. I don't trust Coco on any one's carpet yet and she is still to young to board. Besides...we have a big lawn to mow, Dish Network and beer in the fridge...everything my father requires to be happy.
Much Love to you all,
YEA!! How exciting!!!! Can't wait to hear how it all goes!!!
OMG!!!! That is amazing! So awesome! And freakin' exciting!!!!! Take LOTS and LOTS of pics for us!!!!
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