I don't know how else to say this except brief and to the point. Natalia is now non-responsive and they have told not us to give her anything but her morphine. She can only squeeze your hand occasionally to let you know she hears you still. We sit by her and read to her and talk. Her breathing has changed and is more infrequent. She is slipping away from us more and more. I can't seem to get through an hour without crying. Sophia knows that sissy is dying and is jealous that sissy will have wings and be able to fly. She has her very sad moments but between Redd(the puppy) and J keeping her busy she seems to be handling it ok. She went straight in to Natalia tonight to tell her she loved her and missed her but that she knew sissy would be watching her from Heaven so it was ok. I lost it...again.
Much love to you all,
1 comment:
Roni, Edgar: Hi, I have been keeping up on the updates with Natalia and we are very sadden about the whole thing! I really became close to both the girls when I was once their babysitter and it was great to have gotten to know such wonderful little girls! They are both so bright and loving you both have done such a great job with them you really did! I want to pay a visit again so I can get to see Natalia once more thats if you guys don't mind....I also seen the slide show that you put up and I couldn't help myself but just cry! Videos/Slideshows always will get me no matter what! Roni really if you guys need anything please let me or Brooks know...we are truely here for you guys! From the beginning to the end! We love you guys!
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