Yes, we got a puppy last night. We got the ok that the complex would now be accepting pets on Tuesday morning. By Tuesday night, Edgar and I had bought a dog bed, food, collar and leash...we also headed over to the Clovis SPCA and found Redd. He could not come home with until Saturday after he had been fixed. We were so excited we could hardly contain ourselves but we managed to keep it from the girls. Edgar got the call on Friday at 3:30pm that we could pick Redd up early and so began a very long hour and a half until I finished work and we could go get him. He is an extremely mellow dog which is good considering his main caretaker has a ton of energy. Sophia spent the first night in her own bed since I can remember becasue Redd slept in his bed on the floor and kept the monsters away.
Natalia is slipping away from us more every day. I think we could handle things much better if the moments of extreme pain weren't involved. Those are the moments cause us deep soul pain. During those moments I try to comfort myself by thinking she needs to experience this pain now so that she can empathize with others when she is an angel. How can you help those most in need if you have never known pain? She is spending more time sleeping and is losing interest in many things. She still loves to go out and blow bubbles and enjoy the fresh air. She was not quiet awake the other night when she kept telling Edgar and I that she was swimming with the fish and they all knew her name and she knew all of theirs. She kept saying she wanted to go home. Edgar told her over and over that she was home. She woke up the next morning in the best of moods...something that hasn't happened in a while.
Much love to you all,
1 comment:
Congrats! What a lucky puppy!
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