Monday, March 16, 2009

Those Moments

To have this time with Natalia is truely glorious...because we have an oportunity that many families do not...the chance to say goodbye. A chance to store up smiles and laughs, as strange and wonderful as those laughs might sometimes seem, we have them. It just hits you hard in "those moments". This week mine have been putting away the laundry, looking at all her clothes and thinking the time will come that I need to pack them away. Another was Sunday school, it was all I could do to keep myself together. I kept thinking Natalia should be downstairs in her classroom, but that it was just going to be Sophia and I from now on. Huge sorry to David, I really wanted to thank him more for arranging a photographer to come take candid pictures of us during our trip to Monterey. Edgar had one of his moments taking Pia shopping and knowing he was not buying Talia her spring/summer shoes. As much as these moments truely bite, they serve to remind how much this child means to us and how much we will have to live up to when she passes. And that we have been blessed with time.

Much love to you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT is exactly what I would constantly be thinking. I read your blog and CONSTANTLY think "she is sooo strong and positive" because I know how I am...and I dont know that I could be.

By the way....I'm Angela. My daughter Malia goes to Children First Learning center and that is where I first saw Natalia. I remember when Malia first started there...she was so scared....I felt bad leaving her. But, soon afer she started there Natalia began taking her hand when I dropped her off. She would talk to her and ask her "Are you grumpy this morning?" and distract her so I could get to work on time. Natalia's kind face and soothing voice just made it easier for me to leave my baby. THANK YOU NATALIA. And thank you for raising a wonderful child.