Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breathe Deep

“Breathe Deep” is something I say a lot to people now. It has become my mantra when things seem to be spinning out of control. When you are filled with fear, doubt, and pain or anger that is the time to breathe deep. Take that moment to just inhale slowly in through your nose and exhale slowly from your mouth. It seems so simple, but it’s not. We often forget to take that moment and end up running in circles. Take that moment when your mind will not settle down, breathe deep and find your center….that is usually the moment that I once again realize that I am not in control of life, God is. It lightens the load and allows me to focus once again. To come to the realization that no matter how much you do, you are not fully in control of your life helps to bring peace to that life. For me that “simple” act of breathing deep, finding my calm in the storm and asking God’s help restores me. That “simple” act helps me to find the answers I need. I don’t always like the answers but there they are.

The right answer may not contain the outcome you want. To stop Natalia’s treatment was the right answer. It was awful and unwanted but it was the right thing to do. For us to say to her at the end of her life that it was ok to let go and be with God hurt with every fiber of our being shouting NONONONONONO but it was the right thing to do. Everything else we do in life now seems a bit easier because we did what was right even though it was the last thing on earth that we wanted to do. Right now we are making decisions that seem hard but releasing control into God’s hands and asking for guidance not only brings peace but total confidence in the chosen path.

So everyone, just breathe deep.

Much love,

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