Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Tests Return Delayed

Well, in Natalia's own words, "This sucks!" She is not at all happy to be in the hospital and she is not feeling to good now on top of it. She is mad and sad. The doctors have now told Edgar that it will be a few more days because they need to do more testing to see how far the infection has spread...they even have an infectious diseases doctor checking her out. So much for coming home tomorrow. But at least she is up at UCSF...if she had been home they would have had to medivac her back up there. Even the incision on her neck is now oozing...they are pumping her full antibiotics and now we wait...this sucks! I am going to disinfect the entire house now...I can't fix her but I can fix the house...don't think it was anything here that caused the infection but I can make sure it is the safest environment for her to come home to.

Much love to you all,

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