Thursday, January 29, 2009

Port Removed

Well, so much for our hope that the port would help Natalia get poked got her another surgery. Edgar and the evening nurse, Steve, were looking at Natalia's incision sites last night and thought there was some oozing from the insersion point at her neck...nope it was the tube coming out. Rather then take a chance and push it back in the decision was made to remove the port, then the arguement as to what to do next began. She was supposed to have the surgery at 9am but it didn't take place until 2pm. Good for Pia and I because it allowed us time to get up here. They were going to put in a picket line but the final decision was not to create any more incisions that she would need to heal...just let her heal these ones first. She is being pumped full of the antibiotics and the incision on her tummy looks a bit better then when I left on Tuesday night. Still do not know when they are going to release her but our current plan is for Edgar and Sophia to head back to Fresno tomorrow afternoon. The Make A Wish Gala under the Stars is tomorrow and Edgar has been asked to speak before the auction. Anything that can help them make one more dollar for a child in need is a priority in our lives. We were all supposed to go and the girls got their new beautiful dresses for the occasion...that earned another "this sucks" from Natalia. Good night for now, I have hospital duty tonight so that Edgar can finally get some solid sleep. Thank God, Family House had room for us at the 10th Street house. It is so comforting to know that when we really need it they pull through to get us a place to sleep and shower. The staff is so incredible, it is hard to know just what we would do without them. Just taking to them helps to lift some of the burden of having a child in the hospital.

Much love to you all,

1 comment:

Karen Zolnier said...

Thinking and praying for you all! It is almost Valentines Day and we are sending love and hugs to you Natalia. What a joy to have our kids home.
Love you Roni!